This week my first bowl came out of the glaze kiln, but I guess I used a matte glaze and I didn't like how that looked, so I put clear over it and put it back in the kiln. I also glazed my vase that I made and that has yet to make it out of the kiln too. They both should be finished by Monday :) This week I've been working on this project here. It is a bowl with flowers that I pressed onto the sides. Although it took a few tries, I finally got them to look like real flowers, not 8th grade flowers. The only problem is that I forgot to foot it...I finished applying my flowers on Friday and then I thought I could leave it in my locker over break to dry. I totally forgot that it needed to be footed! So by now is it probably bone dry and unable to be footed. I don't know if that means I have to throw it away or if it is still salvageable. I hope I can save it somehow because I worked on it for days! :(
This week I didn't do a whole lot. I made this vase to use as my tall project. I was happy with this because I'm finally getting better with the blue rib and I like how round it is at the top. This project and the bowl I made last week finally got put into the bisque kiln on Friday, so I should be able to start glazing them next week. I also made the bottom part of a pot on Friday, but I forgot to take a picture of it. I want to make a lid for it so that it can be a little jar. I feel like I'm finally starting to get the hang of throwing again :) so slowly but surely, I'm making progress
Hi Ms. Heideman :) I finally figured out how to make my very own website. During this first week of ceramics I made this bowl for the soup kitchen. It was definitely difficult to get back into the swing of things after a whole year of not doing ceramics. The first few days I made a couple of really bad projects that I had to throw away because they were too off-centered or just plain bad. Then I finally figured it all out again and whipped out this bowl here. I footed it on Friday and I will put it on the bisque shelf on Monday.